How are Travel Counsellors investing in our planet?
This year the theme for Earth week is 'Invest in our Planet' and here at Travel Counsellors, that's exactly what we're doing!
By educating ourselves, our Travel Counsellors and our customers, as well as carefully selecting the experiences that we provide, we want to make sure that the lasting impact of tourism is positive for everyone and for our planet.
As part of this journey, we've launched a helpful new Responsible Travel guide. This showcases the amazing destinations and products our customers can make the most of, while knowing that they are keeping their impact to a minimum.
We've also launched Responsible Travel training for our Travel Counsellors, so that our community has the knowledge and confidence to help their clients make sustainable choices.
“Well done to the training team and the TC's involved in the Responsible Travel training module. It was so informative, I learned loads and am making changes to the way I do things, as well as thinking about how my business can make a difference." - Denise Carter, Travel Counsellor
Click here to check out the guide.