Former Agency Owner Helen Shelver, reflects on her 10 year anniversary as a Travel Counsellor
10 Years ago, divine intervention landed me in the lap of Travel Counsellors.
10 Years of spectacular highs and devastating lows, celebrations and tribulations, births and deaths, laughter and tears, successes and failures.
10 Years of consistent encouragement, kindness, guidance and support – and might I add, an occasional scolding or two!
10 Years of exponential evolution and growth, both personal and professional.
10 Years of reflection and re-invention.
10 Years of juggling lemons and making lemonade – recipe oft tried and tested. You want the recipe – call me!
10 Years of being a part of the awesome phenomena of Travel Counsellors, ever growing, ever evolving, ever innovating – never, ever leaving one of theirs behind.
It would be remiss of me not to celebrate and give thanks to those who have been such an integral part of my life, especially over the past 10 years! So please indulge me as I get a little “oscar-rish”…
Thank you, my wonderful, whacky, wild, loving family and friends, – you are my reason for being.
Thank you, my beloved clients – my success is because of you!
Thank you to loyal suppliers, some of whom I count among my most respected friends and mentors.
Thank you, my much-loved TC Management, TC head office team, fellow TC’s, TC buddies – you lift me up in so many ways, every day.
Thank you, God, I am blessed, and I am humbled. Forever grateful!