TC Life

Happy New Year! The number 2022 represents that HOPE lies ahead

2022 represents a year that you can mark off, as the year where you took steps to ensure your dreams came true?

Something that covid gave to us was the ability to work from home. We got to experience first-hand what it means to be able to fit your life around your work. In some ways, it has pushed the ITC model forward.

Are you frustrated by

  • Doing the daily commute (waste of time & costs)

  • Working retail hours, weekends & working on public holidays

  • Being forced to work in a retail office environment

  • Having to put in leave - working around your colleague's leave plans

  • Walk-in clients only coming in to ask you for all the info and then book it online themselves

Becoming a Travel Counsellor means you can enjoy these benefits

  • Freedom in your life

  • Work From Anywhere - all you need is a good internet connection, our systems enable you to work from anywhere.

  • Flexibility

  • Work-life-balance

  • Be your own boss

  • Freedom to sell the product that is right for your customer

  • Book leisure domestic and international as well as corporate travel

  • Receive ongoing training to help you to build and scale your business

What are your goals and ambitions for 2022?

  • Consider what you want from your personal life

  • Consider what you want from your work life

  • Are you perfectly placed to achieve this?

Travel Counsellors will give you access to the best Systems, Tech & support teams. You can do your 2-week induction online from the comfort of your home. We will courier your fully prepped laptop and all your start-up paraphernalia - all you need to do is to plug and play.

Travel over the last 2 years has shown customers the worth of booking with a trusted travel professional. More now than ever before customers are preferring to book with agents like yourself. Are you ready for the travel boom? Could becoming a Travel Counsellor be right for you?

We don't expect you to know it all, we will share our 26 years of experience with you, give you access to the things that you need. All you need to do is to build a relationship with your customer and craft those dream experiences and make corporate travellers trip seamless. If you can relate to this then please get in touch.

Interested in becoming a Travel Counsellor?

It’s a big decision to start your own travel business, that’s why we’re on hand to help you.

Talk to us