I went from feeling 'Excluded' to now feeling 'Inspired' as a Travel Counsellor.
Natalie has celebrated her 10th year anniversary as a Travel Counsellor. Natalie began her career in a retail store. She pursued the independent route, after she had her daughter, 17 years ago
We asked her a few questions to learn more about her journey to becoming a Travel Counsellor.
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I married my childhood sweetheart and this year we celebrate 22 years of marriage. We have a 17-year-old daughter Montana and a 13 year old son Jett. We love travelling together and sharing new adventures. Our holidays are usually not for the feint-hearted in that we are on the go from start to finish and never miss a beat. We have taken our kids to Mauritius, Mozambique, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Cruising, London, Scotland and this year we plan to take them to the States. We love live music festivals and good quality time with friends and family.
What’s on your bucket list?
Vietnam, South America, Northern Lights, Hong Kong & Alaska.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Top of my list is to see the Northern Lights with my family - it will be a phenomenal experience. My daughter wants to become an Astro Physicist and I know that this would blow her mind away!
What prompted you to explore Travel Counsellors?
I needed the support that Travel Counsellors offered from sales, marketing to technology. I wanted to also be able to offer my clients a more professional service.
What does becoming a Travel Counsellor mean to you?
Independence is import to me. It’s important for me to be able to make my own decisions. I know my clients so well, all the while having the professionalism of belonging to an International Organization. My TC Colleagues are also genuine, loyal & well-travelled so I never feel alone. I am able to spend more time with my family, whether that is sitting on the side of a sports field or being at home and helping the kids with homework.
What motivated you to start your own travel business?
Again, being able to be Independent, to be my own decision maker and the ability to write my own salary.
What attracted you to the Travel Counsellors model?
Number one on the list was the technology without a doubt and secondly the people within the TC Group. Everyone is helpful, motivated, disciplined, not to mention always full of fun!
Being with the franchise for 10 years you must have seen many developments, what do you love most?
Our Phenix booking system and contact centre, I couldn’t live without them! Our marketing tools are also fantastic!
Have you set yourself any goals or milestones for the year ahead and if so what is it?
Yes, one is in the area of growth of my business where I can earn more. The other is to be able to book my family on an unforgettable US holiday in December!
How have you grown your business over the last 10 years.
I offer the best service that I can to my customers. I understand their needs. I am completely thorough, and my availability has helped me grow my business. My clients are always referring me to their friends, family & colleagues.
What do you love most about working in the travel industry?
No day is the same as the next and you never stop learning!
What does your future without limits look like?
Secure, exciting & challenging!
What do you think that your customers most appreciate about you being a TC?
The care that I take with every request & how intimately I know their travel styles. My accessibility, my knowledge & the technology that I have available to me is also a certainly positive.
If you can related to Natalie's journey and if you would like to explore the opportunity of becoming a Travel Counsellor then please get in touch.