Pause – Reflect & Reset
Since lockdown – much of our lives have changed. Most of this we can't control. We have spent more than half of 2020 in lockdown, wondering what our future holds???
One thing for sure is that we have been given the Gift of Time.
· Quality time with our loved ones who we live with
· 2D face time with family and friends over digital platforms like zoom.
· Time to Exercise. How we made excuses before, but now we grab the opportunity to ‘meet up’ with friends and family over a walk. Plus, a change in scenery helps clear our head and bring fresh perspective.
· Time has afforded us the opportunity to Pause – Reflect and Reset!
With so many securities been shaken, travel shops closed and us all sent home. Some in a position to work and others not. Covid-19 has given us time to re-evaluate our lives. We have had time to identify what is important and what we want to do / change.
What has your time of Pause – Reflect and Reset looked like?
Being at home and ‘working from home’ has shown many travel agents the benefits of what it could be. No traffic, saving time and petrol. Getting more done in a day, cooking dinner, washing clothes while working. Being there for your kids and never missing out on important family time.
Whilst South African's don't have much personal Freedom. Travel Agents have seen what Freedom they could enjoy if they started their own travel business.
‘Flexibility’ is another quality that having your own travel business can bring. Working from home can help us to achieve more in a day. We can do the personal things that we need to do, all the while still getting our job done. We can balance life and plan it around our day. Get the shopping done, drop the kids at school and still be there for customers.
Covid-19 has shown us what a ‘Work-Life Balance’ can look like. Why wouldn’t you want this? There is more to life than chasing the corporate objectives of your boss. It’s time to consider what you want from life, from your career and build this into your life.
One of the biggest deterrents for starting a business is fear – fear of failure. Covid-19 has bridged this gap for many. It has set us back and the risk has been minimised. Many agents find themselves retrenched, or on a reduced salary. Many have realised that now might be the perfect time to follow their dream.
What does reset look like for you? Do you want your career left to chance? Or would you like to pursue starting your own travel business? It's time to take control over your working career. If you would like to explore this opportunity, then please get in touch. Don’t leave things to chance and we look forward to speaking to you.