
TC Kids Programme for busy parents

21 days of lockdown +14 days added to the mix! Mom & dad both at home both trying to work. And then the kids are all home too with no friends to go and play with.
For Travel Counsellors working from home is not a new thing. When the announcement of the lock down came they were in a fortunate position to get going to make the customer date changes, put in for refunds and of course speaking to customers.

Where the complexity came in, is an entire family all under the same room for the duration of lockdown. Kids have no play dates, can't go out as they are used to and both mom and dad need to work.

This is where the TC kids programme took shape for the kids. Every day activities where send to Travel Counsellors. Some of the activities included designing a t-shirt, designing your own country and making super heroes. There were some colouring in, painting, crafting activities. Plus even some guidelines on learning sign language. They also had some favourites like a treasure hunt, an Easter egg hunt, drawing a pic of their mom and dad with a reason why they loved their mom. We loved the responses. Marijke's daughter loves her cause she always says Yes to chocolate. Of course we also introduced some TC fit activities that the entire family can do together.

It has been lovely hearing stories from TCs where they are feeling so connected with their family. They know that they have a Head Office who cares and who are helping them to navigate through this challenging time. Many have loved doing the activities together. Its been wonderful to see the ideas and activities shared throughout the Travel Counsellors community.

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