TC Talks: focusing on all things home-schooling
Offering support to our Travel Counsellor across many aspects of life is the norm. Our Travel Counsellors has access to a counsellor who they can speak to you from anything from personal challenges, overcoming death and bereavement… The support it all there.
Covid-19 has brought about some challenging curve balls that many of us did not expect. Not only did it bring travel to a standstill when most of the worlds travel borders closed. It forced us all home. Every member of the family all under the same roof 24/7. Mom, Dad and kids and in some cases extended family all home and adjusting to this is hard.
For most of the South Africa working from home was a foreign concept and it does take some getting used to. Some were able to work from home, others didn’t have this luxury and then added to this complexity was schooling for the kids now needed to be done online from home too.
Resorting to home-schooling was something that many moms and dads didn’t expect to happen. This is while they are juggling many balls in the home from cooking, cleaning, working, home-schooling and the list goes on…
For many South Africans working from home was hard, not everyone was set up for it from a space perspective, internet capacity and for those who were just needed time to get used to it.
For our Travel Counsellors this was no change. They were equipped and ready and some of our international Travel Counsellors have got 26 years’ experience working from home. Any many of our Travel Counsellors where able to share their experiences of working from home offering tips and suggestions to with their customers to help them settle.
But what many of our Travel Counsellors found what was really challenging was getting their kids used to doing school work from home. It wasn’t only hard for the parents but it was also hard for the kids too.
Travel Counsellors is a community of travel professionals and we believe in the say a problem shared is a problem halved. We have a few Travel Counsellors who are well versed in home-schooling and for others having their kids at home and with them needing to help their kids was all brand new. Whilst doing school work online from home is different to traditional home-schooling there are still some similarities. So we decided to use the expertise and the experiences within the TC family to help each other.
We invited Travel Counsellor to join a video call to hear from a Travel Counsellor who has 10 years’ experience in home-schooling her 3 kids. On the call we shared ideas, experiences on how she teaches concepts, what has worked for her, the challenges she had found. TCs where able to share their challenges and concerns and collectively were able to make some suggestions and offer advice.
Whilst we may not have solved all the home-schooling challenges. The TCs left the calling feeling more positive and determined and ready for their next school lesson.
If you are thinking about starting your own travel business don’t get caught up by commission splits, but consider the support and the reinvestment that your travel company will provide you with. If you would like to learn more about this support then please get in touch.