The Power of Community
When you become a Travel Counsellor, you become so much more than ‘just’ a self-employed business owner. You become an integral part of an incredible community of connected and caring travel professionals, plus you’ll receive as much support as you need from our global business.
I have never felt more supported and cared for than I do now. I work alone from home, but as a Travel Counsellor, you’re tapped into a whole family that supports you, and that only wants to the best for you. That support network is priceless. Lize Roodt, Travel Counsellor
Travel Counsellors are not in competition with each other. When you become a Travel Counsellor your business is protected. No other Travel Counsellor can take any of your clients away. Travel Counsellors not only become genuine friends, but they care for each other. They look to the interests of each other and will go above and beyond to offer advice. They will step in to look after another’s business or help a fellow TCs customer.
Some of the ways that this community spirit is fostered;
Regional Meet up:
Who said training was boring? Travel Counsellors meet up in coffee shops with suppliers for training. Plus, they get together to socialise celebrate birthdays, baby showers...
Sharing ideas and information
Internally we have built our systems so that Travel Counsellors can collaborate and share ideas. They can ask for advice, offer advice and make suggestions to the business.
WhatsApp Groups
There are the regional WhatsApp groups that buzz daily fill with advice, help offered and a few jokes every now and then.
During Covid-19, a Motivational WhatsApp group was set up. TC's had the option to join if they wished. Here they share moments of Gratitude, inspirational quotes. Its a nice place to go to get some inspiration than watching the news.
TC kids programme
Having the kids at home it can be difficult for Travel Counsellors to look after a business and have the kids around. We set up a daily programme for the kids to help keep them entertained during the 21 day lockdown period, plus we do this during the school holidays.
Facebook Groups
Our Careers Facebook page is filled with news. We celebrate successes, anniversaries, milestones and new developments within the business.
We also have our TC Fit Facebook page where TCs are encourage to post their fitness activity and to encourage and spur one another on. We encourage a work life balance so it’s not all work and no play.
Travel Counsellors Television - we do regular broadcasts to stay in touch with our Travel Counsellors. This helps them to stay in touch with what’s happening. We have introduced a daily broadcast since Covid-19. During these broadcasts we have put our TCs in touch with the latest information at their fingertips. TCs can also ask questions and the broadcast will help and they to ask any questions and to get them ready for the day.
Training & Events
We are never short of a reason to get together. Our Training is done over; skype, webinars, face to face, our TC on Tour regional training times around the country, our South African Annual Conference, our Business Travel Indaba, TC educationals, Gold Trips abroad, our Gold Dinner & our Global Conference...
The family feeling, the family vibe that I get with Travel Counsellors - that there’s always someone there to help and support me and we’re part of a community - makes me very happy. And a happy consultant makes for happy clients, because I’m able to service them properly! Chantel Smuts
If you would like to be part of the Travel Counsellors community then why not get in touch and you can speak to us and we can put you in touch with a Travel Counsellor to speak to them first hand