
Travel Counsellors Blog

Do you want to learn what it’s like to be a Travel Counsellor? With the latest news, exciting case studies, and personal experiences from our dedicated team of Travel Counsellors, you can see what a career with us looks like from the inside.

The power of storytelling in the travel industry


It’s not just the kids that love a good story – they are what make us tick, from a plot in soap, a good book, play or snappy headline that captures our attention, such as the recent ‘travel agent secures booking whilst in hospital’.

Why caring and kindness aren't just 'nice things'


Caring and kindness are not just ‘nice things to do’ – this is a key trend showing a customer that you care like a friend, be that through face to face interaction or sharing such positive stories on social media.

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It's a big decision, that's why we're on hand to talk about it.

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