From top-selling consultant to independent business owner – Nat’s story
Nat Adams is one inspiring example of someone who has successfully transitioned from being a top-selling consultant at a traditional Travel Management Company to becoming an independent business owner with Travel Counsellors. With 25 years of experience under her belt, Nat knew it was time for a new chapter in her career and was drawn to the technology, flexibility, and support offered by Travel Counsellors. She’s only been with us six months, but her travel business is already off to a flying start.
Can you tell us a bit more about your career before you became a Travel Counsellor?
I worked for another Travel Management Company previously for 25 years, starting straight after a gap year in South America (where I met someone who I’d go on to work with while climbing Machu Picchu!). I managed lots of teams during my time there and I was entered into their global hall of fame because I was their top-selling consultant worldwide at one point.
Why did you want to set up your own corporate travel business?
I love the flexibility of being able to work wherever and whenever I want, and it was time for a new chapter.
How did you know the time was right to start this exciting new venture?
It was getting very stale in my old job, and I felt like I needed the support and contact which Travel Counsellors provide. I also had more and more clients asking for tech I personally couldn't offer.
Did you face any challenges in your previous role that influenced your decision to become a Travel Counsellor? Yes! It was a highly competitive environment where everyone competed with each other. I've loved the warmth and support at Travel Counsellors - we don't compete, but instead we support each other.
What has stood out to you so far about Travel Counsellors? Tech, tech, tech! It’s so good - I’m so much more productive, so much less frustrated, and so much more flexible in where I work. I also make fewer mistakes because the system provides so many clever safety nets.
How would you reflect on your first 6 months as a Travel Counsellor?
It’s massively exceeded my expectations in terms of what I’ve achieved – I’ve made nearly a million pounds worth of sales in five months! I’m very happy here and it was such a great move for me.
What advice would you give to any corporate travel professionals thinking about launching their own business as a Travel Counsellor?
Why pigeonhole yourself? I sell 50% corporate travel, 50% leisure travel – I don’t want to cut myself off to any enquiry avenues and I think having the flexibility to sell both gives you the best of both worlds!
I’ve also got a client that’s about to go onto the online portal, myTC Online, and being able to offer them that has been great. They’ve also been really impressed by the out-of-hours service. Having the TC Teams technology and team spirit of the whole community is also fantastic support because it means I can buddy up with other Travel Counsellors to help service my corporate clients when I’m not available.
Do you feel like you’re held back in your current corporate travel role? Whether you’re feeling burned out with unrealistic targets, unable to offer your clients the tools they need, or are lacking support, Travel Counsellors can offer you another way. With no targets, uncapped earnings, and the flexibility to sell both leisure and corporate travel, the sky is the limit! Get in touch for more information about joining our award-winning community.