
“I’m so happy with Phenix and being able to turn around complex itineraries at the drop of a hat.” – how our technology is powering Ellie’s responsible travel business

Imagine starting your own travel business and making a positive impact on the planet at the same time. In this blog post, we'll explore the inspiring journey of Ellie, who recently moved her responsible-travel-focused franchise over to Travel Counsellors. Find out how the move has benefitted both her and her customers.

Ellie Adamo

Hi Ellie! What were you doing before you became a Travel Counsellor?

I was running my business with a different franchise company. The opportunity to join Travel Counsellors came up and I haven’t looked back! Before that, I spent many years working in advertising and creative agencies in client services. It was a big change to switch careers and run my own business, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

What ignited your passion for responsible travel?

The clients I worked with in my advertising and creative agency background were mainly charities and not-for-profit organisations. When I was thinking about my next step, I wanted to combine my love of travel with doing good and having a positive impact. When I wrote my business plan, it had responsible travel at its core – which, in turn, has influenced how I present my business.

Tell us a little bit about the work you’ve been doing with TTG

I graduated from the TTG Sustainable Travel Ambassador Programme at the end of 2023, and since then I’ve been working even more closely with my fellow ambassadors to share advice, news, and tips within the industry. The type of work I’m doing ranges from researching travel aspects such as more sustainable destinations, partner suppliers, and accommodation for my clients, to speaking at industry events and encouraging other travel agents to build responsible travel into their own businesses.

Why is it important for you to champion responsible travel options?

The obvious answer is because the climate needs us to! But I think we all can see the negative impact that travel and tourism can have on destinations. We all want to feel welcomed by the local community when we travel, but that can be very hard when that destination is struggling with their own resources and locals are affected in their day-to-day lives by tourists. For me, I think it’s important to remember that a lot of destinations that we know and love suffer from ‘tourism leakage’. This is when the countries and communities we visit end up with very little money from our stay, and I think it is so important to change that to make sure that tourism is more beneficial for the local community.

How do you educate and advise your customers on the importance of responsible travel?

I try to remind my clients that holidays (in my opinion) should be more than just about the hotel and Tripadvisor ratings. It should be about the overall experience. That could mean taking a train instead of a flight to make more of the journey (and emit less carbon). Or it could mean staying in a certified accommodation which employs people from the local area and ensures they are doing good in the community with initiatives and projects. It could also mean making sure any animal experiences are wildlife-friendly. I point blank refuse to book clients any unethical animal encounters such as swimming with dolphins or riding elephants after learning so much from World Animal Protection on the subject area.

How do the tools and tech at Travel Counsellors help you to craft responsible travel experiences for your customers?

I love that we have so many responsible hotels at our fingertips in Phenix that are recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) - a real authority in the industry. So, it is really easy for me to see at a glance which accommodation I can recommend to my clients. It’s so great to be able to work with local Destination Management Specialists too, who can show clients off-the-beaten-track attractions. Locals really are the experts! I can also work with many responsible partner suppliers for small group tours which directly help the countries they visit.

What’s been your favourite responsible itinerary you’ve created to date?

It was for a couple of less-travelled destinations (at least for the UK market) – Guatemala and Belize for a honeymoon. They are two of the best countries I’ve ever visited! The itinerary takes in some of the best attractions, meeting locals on tours and seeing their way of life, travelling mainly by road and no all-inclusive hotels! Instead, they are staying in a mix of boutique hotels and eco-lodges.

How would you describe your Travel Counsellors journey so far?

Starting my Travel Counsellors journey in January of this year was a whirlwind! I was fitting in the intensive two weeks of training around client enquiries, and January is peak season in travel! But when I spoke to my clients, they completely understood my reasons for joining and now really enjoy the benefits they get as a result of me being part of Travel Counsellors.

Now I’m over six months in, I have to say that I’m so happy with how much support I consistently receive. I recently visited the Venus Support Hub for the ‘Touchdown’ day to mark the end of my onboarding journey and was floored by how friendly and caring the team all are. It was so nice to be able to talk about my business with senior Travel Counsellors colleagues who genuinely care about how you are doing.

What are you enjoying most about being a Travel Counsellor?

I love that I can work in teams easily and help out my fellow Travel Counsellors. Also, I’m so happy with Phenix and being able to turn around complex itineraries at the drop of a hat.

Ellie's story is a testament to the power of combining passion with a purpose. If you're passionate about travel and sustainability, consider joining Travel Counsellors. You'll have access to the tools, support, and community needed to build a successful and impactful travel business.

Ready to take the next step? Reach out to one of our experts today and start your journey toward becoming a Travel Counsellor. Together, we can make a difference - one trip at a time.