
“I wake up every morning excited for what the day brings – something I’ve never experienced until joining Travel Counsellors.”

Meet Becky Selby, who took the leap from working at other travel management companies to set up as a self-employed Travel Counsellor. Thanks to the support of our community, working collaboratively with her partner, and the levels of service she provides, Becky has gone on to achieve our Gold status in an impressive eight months! Learn more about her journey.

Becky Selby

What were you doing before you became a Travel Counsellor?

Before Travel Counsellors, I worked at ISON Travel as a travel consultant, and before that, I worked for Corporate Traveller.

What was it that attracted you to Travel Counsellors?

Several things to be honest. One of the things that attracted me was knowing you’re the creator of your own success. Not only do you get amazing support from everyone in the Travel Counsellors community, but how people are recognised for their success is huge and really makes you feel part of a team. It also comes with the ability to have a good work-life balance.

How did it feel to achieve Gold within eight months of joining?

It felt amazing to achieve this within eight months. I love having a target and it really helps to drive me - so to hit this within the time frame I’d set was a really special moment.

What’s been your secret to success?

I love to build relationships with my clients and treat every enquiry as if it were their first one. If it wasn’t for the amazing clients I have then I wouldn’t be where I am now. I was lucky enough to have clients ready to go when I started and a few have reached out to me since joining which has been great, so things are constantly growing.

What’s it like to work with your partner and share the Travel Counsellors journey together?

I feel very lucky to have an amazing partner to share this opportunity with and we love nothing more than seeing each other succeed. We are proud of how far we’ve come and sharing the experience with each other and the rest of the Travel Counsellors community is the best feeling.

Aside from achieving Gold, what else has been a highlight since joining?

There have been a lot of highlights. I’ve met some amazing people and have found a great friend in my mentor. Also, realising what’s possible as a Travel Counsellor. The opportunities are endless, and it excites me every day knowing that there is no limit.

Has Travel Counsellors lived up to your expectations? If so, how?

It’s exceeded my expectations. As a lot of people who set up their own business will know, it’s a scary move in the beginning. As much as you hope it will work and know you will do everything you can to make it work, there’s still no guarantee. However, once you make the move and see how much everyone wants to support you, then that scary feeling disappears. I never thought I would be able to run a business yet receive so much support, and Travel Counsellors has shown me otherwise.

In your opinion, what’s the best thing about being a Travel Counsellor?

I’m incredibly proud to be a Travel Counsellor and there are so many great things, but I would have to say the people are what make it such a great place to be part of. From the franchisees to the CEO, everyone cares about everyone.

Why would you recommend Travel Counsellors to other corporate travel professionals?

As cheesy as this may sound, at Travel Counsellors, the sky really is the limit. You get out what you put in, more so here than anywhere I know of. I wake up each morning excited for what the day brings, looking forward to what can be achieved and that is something I have never had until joining Travel Counsellors.

Would you like to follow in Becky’s footsteps and unleash your potential as a business owner? If you’ve got a proven track record in corporate travel, we’d love to hear from you. This is your opportunity to stand out in the corporate travel industry as part of a community that's committed to investing in technology that allows you to focus on providing outstanding service. Get in touch to find out more about joining Travel Counsellors.