
Inspiring future travel entrepreneurs – Steph Clawson’s story

Today is World Entrepreneur’s Day, so we’re celebrating one of our most successful Travel Counsellors, Steph Clawson. Steph joined us in early 2019, meaning she had to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic – but she didn’t let that hold her back.

Fast forward five years and her resilience, hard work, and determination have paid dividends. She’s now running one of our most successful franchisees, providing exceptional service to both corporate and leisure clients while becoming out youngest-ever Travel Counsellor to achieve our prestigious Gold status.

Steph Clawson

We spoke to Steph to find out how she’s utilised our world-class tools, training, and support to grow her business to where it is today. Read on to be seriously inspired!

It’s great to catch up with you Steph! Let’s go back to the very start of your career. What were you doing before you joined Travel Counsellors?

I graduated from university in 2016, before working in retail at Thomas Cook. I was lucky to be in one of their best-performing shops and had the opportunity to learn from many of their best sales agents. Just before joining Travel Counsellors in early 2019, I also spent some time travelling around Mexico and Europe.

What were your motivations for wanting to set up your own travel business?

My parents inspired me – I grew up watching my dad run his own business. I’ve always been very driven and liked the idea of working for myself.

What was it that attracted you to Travel Counsellors?

I attended a Discovery Day after doing some online research and hearing from a friend who’s a Travel Counsellor. The minute I walked into Venus (the Travel Counsellors Support Hub in Manchester), I was in awe of the scale of the operations and the openness of the directors. Everyone was so welcoming and the support offered was unparalleled.

How has Travel Counsellors helped you to bring your business vision to life?

I came to Travel Counsellors with a vision and determination to make it work! Travel Counsellors provided the tools and systems for me to grow my business. They have a huge catalogue of suppliers and the training and development programme is very thorough.

Tell us how you’ve built and grown your business to where it is today – what are your secrets to success?

I’m very driven and was always determined to make it work in some capacity. The vision has changed a lot over the last five years – I didn’t expect my business to be at the scale it is now. But I worked incredibly hard to get started and things have snowballed since then!

What do you think makes your business so unique?

Me, my team and the service we offer! I have two businesses within my Travel Counsellors franchise – CheerTravel (group travel for cheerleading and dance teams, travelling to international events) and Luxe Adventures (which focuses on Instagrammable travel). I’m proud to create these amazing adventures.

How has your life changed since becoming a Travel Counsellor?

I’ve matured a lot and also learnt a lot. I was 23 years old when I started my business with Travel Counsellors and it’s been a journey since! The business is very different to how I first imagined it, for all the right reasons. My husband is part of the business now and we have a permanent office in Leeds with seven full-time staff. On a personal level, I’ve also moved cities, got engaged, got married and we’re expecting our first baby in October – so my life has completely changed since I started five-and-a-half years ago!

What’s been your proudest moment so far as a business owner?

There have been so many - from being the youngest Travel Counsellor to hit ‘Gold’ to being named in TTG’s 30 Under 30 List! I’m also so incredibly proud of our team and the office environment we’ve created.

Who’s your biggest source of inspiration?

My parents – they work incredibly hard and provided a wonderful childhood. I hope to create a similar environment for our future family.

What personal qualities do you think someone needs to succeed as a Travel Counsellor?

Definitely drive and motivation – it doesn’t happen overnight! Be inquisitive. Ask lots of questions and learn from those around you.

As one of our most successful franchisees, what words of wisdom would you give to someone who’s thinking about becoming a Travel Counsellor?

Be prepared to give 110% every day.

Steph is the perfect example of how the right mindset, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a customer-first approach can help you achieve incredible things as a travel business owner. And one of the great things about joining Travel Counsellors is that your business is backed by the UK’s longest-standing travel franchise – so you’ll benefit from the unrivalled tools, technology, and support you need to turn your vision into a reality.

Are you ready to join our community of like-minded entrepreneurs? Speak to our team today and you could soon be following in Steph’s footsteps.

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