
Meet Craig Bradley from our Relationship Management Team

As we continue our ‘Meet our Relationship Managers’ blog series, this month we’re saying hello to another valued member of the team – Craig Bradley.

Not only does Craig support our Travel Counsellors, he also works closely with our Commercial Team to arrange our amazing monthly incentives which reward Travel Counsellors who have hit certain sales criteria or milestones.

We sat down with him to find out more about his day-to-day duties and why he’s so passionate about the role he plays in empowering our community.

Craig Bradley

Hi Craig! Could you start by telling us a little bit about your career background?

I’ve been in and around travel for around 15 years, after graduating from Manchester Metropolitan University with a 2:1 in Tourism Management. I then worked for a small groups tour operator before eventually diving into the world of corporate travel. For eight years, I worked in various roles including reservations, as a trainer, and as an operations team manager. During this time, I developed a passion for learning and development.

I took a short break during the pandemic after taking redundancy, before taking up a role as a travel and tourism analyst at a data and insights company as we exited the pandemic. This was a real eye-opener in terms of learning about consumer trends within the travel industry.

What brought you to Travel Counsellors?

Before Travel Counsellors, my most rewarding role was in training and coaching. I love helping others achieve their best, celebrating their successes, and cheering them on from the sidelines. Travel Counsellors has this kind of culture. I knew from my first interview that it was the right place for me.

In a nutshell, what do you do as a relationship manager?

It’s a varied role. Predominantly, we coach our amazing Travel Counsellors to help them grow their businesses, set action plans, and help them hold themselves to account. But the role is much more than that. We develop close relationships with our Travel Counsellors and support them throughout their business journey. Maybe they’re struggling with their mindset, or there’s too much on their desk. Maybe they’ve had their confidence knocked. Either way, we’re there to pick them up and help move them in the right direction.

Why do relationship managers play such a key role in a Travel Counsellors onboarding journey and onward success?

It’s down to the support we offer. Once they have completed their training, we’re there to support them on their journey as they start to grow their businesses. It can be a bit of a baptism of fire in the early days, so we point them in the right direction - whether that’s from a business development angle or within the day-to-day operations. They can also use us as a sounding board to bounce ideas off.

You also lead on our incentive programme – tell us a bit about what that involves

There’s a lot that goes on in the background of travel incentives that many people don’t realise. Whether it’s designing incentive metrics, engaging with our Travel Counsellors, or meeting with our fantastic commercial suppliers in a bid to offer one of their amazing trips. There’s a lot of planning and preparation to be able to offer something unique every month. We’re really lucky to have such a fantastic commercial team who have built great relationships with our suppliers. This means we can offer industry-leading rewards and opportunities to our business owners.

What’s the most rewarding element of your job?

Seeing a Travel Counsellor who you’ve built a great relationship with succeed. I spoke to a Travel Counsellor who I have regular catch-ups with and she talked about how becoming a business owner changed her life. She’d recently bought a new home after moving out of her flat. I couldn’t have been prouder of what she’s achieved in the short time she’s been with us.

What’s been your personal highlight since joining Travel Counsellors

There are two. Firstly, presenting a seminar at our conference. Naturally, having never spoken to a room with over 100 people, it’s a nerve-wracking experience - but there are no audiences warmer than a Travel Counsellors audience and they are all willing you to do well. There were some supportive faces I could make eye contact with which got me through it.

Secondly, gaining my ILM Level 5 in Coaching and Mentoring. This has helped me hugely within my role as a Relationship Manager.

What’s the best thing about working for Travel Counsellors?

It’s the company culture. I know that sounds like the typical corporate jargon; I’ve worked for several companies who talk about company culture, but they’re not a patch on Travel Counsellors.

What advice would you give to anyone who’s thinking about becoming a Travel Counsellor?

Think like an entrepreneur and embrace the fact that you won’t know it all. Use the support from our Support Hub teams and from other Travel Counsellors. There’s no other community like it.

Travel Counsellors is not side hustle; you have to work hard to build your business, and you have to be willing to do things that are out of your comfort zone. That being said, you’re in the best community to support you through that.

Are you ready to join a community where you’re never far from a helping hand? We’re always looking for entrepreneurial people with a passion for travel who are serious about setting up their own travel business. If that sounds like you, get in touch with us today. After all, now’s the ideal time to get set up so you can make the most of the busy ‘peaks’ booking period at the start of 2025. What are you waiting for!?