
Travel Counsellors Blog

Do you want to learn what it’s like to be a Travel Counsellor? With the latest news, exciting case studies, and personal experiences from our dedicated team of Travel Counsellors, you can see what a career with us looks like from the inside.

Juggling work with childcare in the school holidays


To be in control of your own destiny by building your own business whilst still being able to be there for your family when needed is priceless but the financial rewards that come with it are amazing too.

A Day In The Life of Travel Counsellor, Katie Kirk


Meet Katie Kirk, successful business owner and mum , who decided to leave her high-flying career in marketing when she began planning to start a family. She wanted a career opportunity that would give her the flexibility to be the mum she wanted to be.

The Year That Changed Angela McCall's Life


I wanted to do something that broke me free from the paid-by-the-hour business model, something different, something that excited me, challenged me, that embraced my love for life and that I was passionate about. But what?

Taking my corporate travel career to the next level


It was a very difficult decision as I am the main bread winner in the household so it was a bit of a gamble. I wasn't sure my accounts would all come with me to my new Travel Counsellors venture.

Customer service, the Travel Counsellors way


Besides providing unforgettable holiday memories, Travel Counsellors are famous for their world-leading customer service. And by running a business based on personal relationships and getting to know the customer inside out, it comes naturally.

How to create the perfect home office


When you start your own business, there is a lot to think about. But there are plenty of fun things to be done too, and one of these is creating your very own office.

How do I make my small business stand out from the crowd


A quick internet search of how to market your business throws up lots of useful advice: use social media, advertise in a local paper, just do something. But why rely on the same strategies that everyone else finds with a quick Google?

Need advice?

It's a big decision, that's why we're on hand to talk about it.

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